TOP March 2012

Maadraassoo TOP MARCH 2012:

1- Crocodiles – Sunday (Psychic Conversaton – 9) [french kiss]

2- Grimes – Genesis [4ad]

3- Juveniles – Ambitions [kitsune]

4- Young empires – Against the wall / Rain of gold [hoye]

5- Whomadewho – Never had the time [kompakt]

6- Gorillaz – DoYaThing [white]

7- Fanfarlo – Tightrope [atlantic]

8- Pegasvs – Brillar / El final de la noche [canada]

9- White rabbits – Temporary [mute]

10- The cast of cheers – Family [school boy error]

11- The Mary Onettes – Love’s taking strange [white]

12- Plastic operator – Making it right [fine day records]

13- The casters – Once we were [white]

14- Ceremony – Citizen [citizen]

15- School of seven bells – When you sing / Scavenger [vagrant/ghostly]

16- The asteroids galaxy tour – Heart attack [small giants]

17- Sutja Gutierrez – Wild child [white]

18- Beach Fossils – Shallow [captured tracks]

19- The magnetic fields – Goin’ back to the country [domino]

20- Andrew Bird – Orpheo looks back [bella union]

21- Maelstrom – USSR [sound pellegrino]

22- Die Antwoord – I fink U freeky [zef records]

23- Gesaffelstein – Viol (Brodinski remix) [turbo]

24- Das glow – Concrete [marble]

25- Francisco – Disco wizard (dub version) [ phantasy]

26- Burial – Loner [hyperdub]

27- The phenomenal handclap band – Give / Following [tummy touch]

28- Golden bug – Play around (the deadstock 33’s remix) [gomma]

29- Pony pony run run – Come back to me [wagram]

30- Marc Houle – Very bad [items & things]

31- Yuksek – Off the wall (Dj Harvey remix) [savoir faire]

32- Fusion F & Come T – Jumpin (Robot needs oil remix) [fruit machine]

33- The mekanism – Can’t believe [needwant]

34- Hard Ton – Not again [toyt]

35- The ting tings – Silence (Bag raiders remix) [sony]

36- Clouds – Optic (EP) [turbo]

37- Pollyester – Concierge d’amour (Prins Thomas diskomiks) [permanent vacation]

38- Mercury – Candlelight (Mercury remix) [gomma]

39- TJR – Funky vodka [rising music]

40- Saint Etienne – Tonight [white]

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